The next step to scale-up


GEEVOO digitises the student ID card and makes it much easier for educational institutions to manage the start of the new school term. With the platform, educational institutions can efficiently create and customise ID cards, while students always have their ID cards, canteen and library cards securely to hand on their smartphone via the app. Geevoo brings the school ID card into the 21st century - digital and smart!

Ruhr MASTERS2024 Logokreis Geevoo
Ruhr MASTERS2024 Logokreis Simpl


SIMPL offers mid-sized mechanical engineering and production companies an innovative solution for optimising maintenance, servicing and service processes. The platform enables holistic asset management of the company's own installed base and maps all relevant core service processes with a great UI/UX. The result: full transparency of machine and system data, faster processes and increased after-sales revenue for machine manufacturers. provides a market intelligence platform that uncovers real-time sales opportunities through the discovery of projects, tenders and valuable leads in various industries. Their solutions enable early identification of competitive strategies, market trends and risks to make informed decisions and secure a competitive advantage. With comprehensive risk and supply chain intelligence, they help companies adapt to relevant regulations such as the LkSG and CSDDD and minimise potential threats.

Ruhr MASTERS2024 Logokreis Graphworks
Ruhr MASTERS2024 Logokreis go AVA

go AVA

go AVA bridges the gap between technology and human interaction. We break down current barriers in digital communication and create an environment that transforms verified information into trusted responses. Everything we do is centred around people's needs as we actively shape the future of digital communication.


Implementing sustainability in your company with legally compliant reporting and motivating employees to act sustainably? SUSTAYN - your companion for more sustainability!

Ruhr MASTERS2024 Logokreis Sustayn
Ruhr MASTERS2024 Logokreis PA Company

The PA Company GmbH

Our motivation is to see the Physician Assistant profession grow. Germany is facing an enormous change in healthcare and we are ready to pave the way so that Physician Assistants can take their place. We are at the centre of the profession and are learning about the current challenges every day. We understand physician assistants and are therefore working on targeted projects to support the profession.


  • Applications

    ab 28.05.2024

  • Bewerbungsphase Ende


  • Jury Day im ruhrHUB


  • Kick-off Dinner in Essen


  • Motivation Day im ruhrHUB


  • Anker-Kickoff

    Okt./Nov. 2024

  • Coaching

  • Reise zur SLUSH in Helsinki


  • Coaching

  • Anker-Session

    Dec/Jan. 2024/25

  • Coaching

  • Internationale Reise mit individuellem Match-Making: tbd


  • Coaching

  • Anker-Session

    Feb./März 2025

  • Coaching

  • Anker-Session

    April 2025

  • Coaching

  • ruhrMASTERS Night

  • ruhrSUMMIT 2025


So profitieren unsere Teams von den ruhrMASTERS:

Mit unserem, individuell auf eure Bedürfnisse abgestimmten, 6-monatigen Coachingprogamm unterstützen wir unsere Teams und lösen gemeinsam mit ihnen alle Herausforderungen, die das Wachstum eines Start-ups mit sich bringt. Egal ob in den Bereichen - HR & Leadership, Geschäftsmodelle & Finanzierung, Management & Operations, Kunden & Vertrieb, Brand & Marketing - bei uns finden unsere Teams die richtigen Expert*innen, welche sie mit ihren Erfahrungen und ihrem Fachwissen aus der Praxis begleiten.

Kriterien für die Teilnahme

  • 6-month individual coaching program (at least 10 coaching sessions)
  • Attendance of the international Start-up event SLUSH in Helsinki (incl. Flight & Accomodation)
  • Participating in one international business trip including individual match making
  • Prominent integration at ruhrSUMMIT 2025
  • Marketing measures via our social media channels & public relations work

  • Start-up based in the Ruhr Area
  • Founded 2019 - 2023
  • minimum of 2 - 3 employees (full time equivalent)
  • established on the market
  • first customers and generated values
  • scaleable business model
  • digital components

Deine Ansprechpartnerin

Mariana freigestellt klein

Mariana Ilic

Start-up Managerin +49 172 7693 627