The next step to scale-up

Bewirb dich jetzt auf das Accelerator-Programm des ruhrHUB

Our teams receive coaching that really moves them forward.

With our 6-month coaching program, which is individually tailored to your needs, we support our teams and work with them to solve all the challenges that the growth of a start-up entails. Whether in the areas of HR, leadership, law, sales or logistics - with us, our teams will find the right experts to accompany them with their experience and expertise from the field.

How our teams benefit from the ruhrMASTERS:

  • 6-month individual coaching program (at least 10 coaching sessions)
  • Attendance of the international Start-up event SLUSH in Helsinki (incl. Flight & Accomodation)
  • Participating in one international business trip including individual match making
  • Prominent integration at ruhrSUMMIT 2025
  • Marketing measures via our social media channels & public relations work

  • Bewerbung

    ab 28.05.2024

  • Bewerbungsphase Ende


  • Jury Day im ruhrHUB


  • Kick-off Dinner in Essen


  • Motivation Day im ruhrHUB


  • Anker-Kickoff

    Okt./Nov. 2024

  • Coaching

  • Reise zur SLUSH in Helsinki


  • Coaching

  • Anker-Session

    Dec/Jan. 2024/25

  • Coaching

  • Internationale Reise mit individuellem Match-Making: tbd


  • Coaching

  • Anker-Session

    Feb./März 2025

  • Coaching

  • Anker-Session

    April 2025

  • Coaching

  • ruhrMASTERS Night

  • ruhrSUMMIT 2025



  • Start-up based in the Ruhr Area
  • Founded 2019 - 2023
  • minimum of 2 - 3 employees (full time equivalent)
  • established on the market
  • first customers and generated values
  • scaleable business model
  • digital components

Anmeldeschluss ist der 04.08.2024


Batch 2 comes to a festive close!

We look back on six months with FAIRNICA, Fellbox, muvid, sovity and Who Moves. We listened to what you had to say and your highlights included that the programme was tailored individually to each start-up as well as the sharing of ideas and networking between start-ups.

This is what we were able to offer our start-ups in the ruhrMASTERS accelerator programme:
💪Motivation Day to get started
🤝Coaching, mentoring and anchor sessions
✈️Visitng the SLUSH incl. pitches
🌉Trip to Silicon Valley
👥Peer to peer networking

We are sending you off with both a smile and a sad heart and are delighted at how well you have grown together as a group. But there is one last joint appearance: the ruhrMASTERS will be exhibiting at the ruhrSUMMIT and discussing the programme in a panel. The ruhrSUMMIT also marks the start of the application phase for Batch 3!

A big thank you to everyone who took part in the ruhrMASTERS programme, got involved and supported us and our start-ups in particular!

Anmeldeschluss ist der 04.08.2024

Ruhr MASTERS Grafik v3 800 x 600 px 1200 x 1600 px 22

Deine Ansprechpartnerin

Mariana freigestellt klein

Mariana Ilic

Projektmanagerin +49 172 7693 627