Digital Economy NRW (Digitale Wirtschaft NRW)

What is the "Digital Economy NRW" initiative?

The aim of the “Digital Economy NRW” initiative is the concentrated development of the North Rhine-Westphalia region as a digital location. This includes the promotion of start-ups, as well as the development of an investor scene or consistently providing an impetus for the digital transformation of established companies. The fundamental foundation involves initiating a viral and diverse digital community and continuously networking it in order to take the special circumstances of an area into account.

In order to increase the attraction of digital start-ups and spin-offs and to build up an outstanding start-up scene both throughout Germany and internationally, the digital hubs have created central nodes for the digital transformation. This is intended to enable ongoing exchange between the start-ups, and establish contacts with the first reference customers. The digital hubs have been supplemented by nationwide networks covering key topics such as AI, cyber security, blockchain and medicine.


Need for digital transformation in companies recognised

In the meantime, many established companies in North Rhine-Westphalia have recognised how important contact with the digital start-up scene is; be it to further develop existing business models, to open up new business areas or to be able to pick up on technological progress at an early stage: They are very interested in having a lively Start-up culture right on their doorstep. Whether for example it's effective pitch training, innovative Co-Working or Events in the Ruhr area such as the Start-up Nights - a dynamic has emerged here that is supported not only by the state government, but also by local sponsors and the local economy.

Photo Credit: MWIKE NRW A. Bowinkelmann